Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Lululemon Athletica Analytic Essay - 1633 Words
Case Analysis #1 Problem Essay Lululemon Athletica Inc Samuel Ellison Presented for: Professor Kannangara Sunday, March 6th, 2016 BUSI4003 Introduction Lululemon Athletica Inc., founded in 1998 in Vancouver by Chip Wilson, is a company which designs and produces high-end yoga and technical athletic clothing. They have operated primarily in North America and Australia; their initial target customer was an educated woman who lives an active and healthy lifestyle. They opened their first store in Kitsilano in BC in November, 2000. The first store was intended to act as a community hub where people could learn and discuss about the physical aspects and mental aspects of a healthy life, in addition to selling yoga clothing.†¦show more content†¦The company plans to launch stand-alone mens stores by 2016 and expand their business globally. That same day, the company announced plans to quit the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) due to a lack of trading on the Canadian exchange, stating that the expenses associated with having a dual listing were not justifiable(Nichols, 2016). The one remark that sent the media in a frenzy was in resp onse to the public criticism of the sheer yoga pants, Wilson explained, â€Å"Quite frankly, some women’s bodies just actually don’t work for it. Even our small sizes would fit an extra-large(Nichols, 2016). It’s really about the rubbing through the thighs, how much pressure is there.†This statement triggered massive social outrage that was felt throughout many media platforms(Nichols, 2016). With this media â€Å"fire-storm†it was clear that Mr. Wilson needs to be reprimanded in the sense of being taught to speak to the media. Christine Day has stepped down from the CEO position and corporate will need to select another leader. To break down the analysis of the case I believe is it best divide aspects of the case and as well what they should do into categories such as : Economics, Sociocultural, Demographic, and Technological. These would all be considered apart of all external aspects. Economic: Continued economic struggles, especially within the European Union, have the potential to negatively affect Lululemon’s international expansion(Thomas
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Effects Of Nutrition On Health And Health - 955 Words
Health is a widely used term and every person’s definition of health and being healthy can be vastly different. There are many different ways to achieve good health and to be healthy, but one thing in common that is important no matter what, is nutrition. Nutrition greatly influences our health and can be detrimental in preventing or treating a disease. Prevention is crucial to stay healthy and free of illness and disease and nutrition plays a huge part in this process. Nutrition is important in all stages of life-from pregnancy, birth, toddler, children, teenagers, adults, and the elderly. Pregnancy is arguably one of the most important phase in life, simply because a new human is being created. It is important to start life off right and that can be achieved with proper nutrition. Before a woman becomes pregnant, it is important to receive adequate nutrition. According to the Maternal and Child Health journal, in order to ensure woman receive adequate nutrition advice in time to make informed decisions regarding pregnancy, there needs to be further exploration into effective nutrition education during preconception (Lucas, 2014). They also mention that nutrition information received at 12 weeks is too late to be useful. Therefore, there are several factors to consider even before conception. To start off, there are many deficiency problems that can arise early in pregnancy and this can be prevented by receiving the adequate levels of folate the body needs to support theShow MoreRelatedNutrition And Its Effects On Health933 Words  | 4 PagesJust as nutrition can have drastic effects on one’s physical health, nutrition can affect one’s mental health as well. The most common mental disorders that are prevalent in numerous countries are depressi on, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). 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The cause for concern is due to theRead MoreThe Effect Of Nutrition On Early Children s Development And Health2543 Words  | 11 PagesThe influence of nutrition on early child’s development and health Danuta Brodzinska ECE1700 - Advanced Curricula Professor: Eva May Tuesday, July 21, 2015 Research Essay Outline Introduction A) The importance of nutrition on child’s development and health †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.3 B) Malnutrition †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 3 Body paragraphs 1. Physical development †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 3 A) Important nutrients, vitamins and minerals for physical growth †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 4 B) Needed caloriesRead MoreThe Relationship Between Nutrition And Its Effects On Health And Well Being Through Randomized Experiment With Control And Treatment Groups3877 Words  | 16 Pages The proposed study aims to examine the relationship between nutrition and its effects on health and well being through a randomized experiment with control and treatment groups. There are several studies that research the relationship between nutrition and aging and show the promising affects. In this study, different types of nutritional diets will be examined and implemented in an intervention plan. Two plans will be implemented to cater to those of high and low socioeconomic status. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Case Study for Integrated Library System-
Question: Write about theCase Study for Integrated Library System. Answer: Introduction Integrated Library System (ILS) remains to be the automated system that usually comprises of the number of functional modules. Some of the modules making up the Integrated Library System are acquisitions, serials, cataloging, and circulation, along with Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC). However, all the automated systems that make up Integrated Library System have the functional modules that share a common bibliographic database. There are various approaches to accomplishing the integration of the scheme. According to Kumar (2016), Library system can buy the Integrated System that consists of some functional modules from the single vendor.The library is also able to purchase the variety of modules from the variety of suppliers as well as interconnect them. Integrated Library System is much like the community library that is equivalent of the planning of resources within the enterprise systems. In most cases, Integrated Library System refers to the large enterprise software that te nds to drive many operations within the business (McGrory et al., 2017). Therefore, the primary aim of this paper is to present the abstract level view of activities that are necessary to perform in six of the core knowledge areas of business analysis. They consist of analysis targeting business planning along with monitoring, elicitation, as well as collaboration, management of necessities life cycle, analysis of strategy, necessities analysis, and definition of design, together with evaluation of solution. Besides, the ideas presented on this paper aim at highlighting the underlying competencies together with tools that are appropriate for conducting each of the information sections. Planning of business analysis along with case of monitoring In every operation of an organization, planning of business analysis along with case of monitoring approach is the first task in the installing knowledge to people. The organizations that perform well always recognize the value that the operations of the business analysts bring to a project regarding delivering well-designed solutions. Such solution must meet the needs of stakeholder as well as fulfill objectives of business operations. However, business analysts use planning and monitoring activities to meet such demands (Allgeier 2017). The requirements are achievable through proven methods for planning approaches of business analysis along with control path through the entire life of the planned project. The guide that leads to business analysis planning together with monitoring follows the target of the audience. Workers at any level wishing to create and refine skills that apply to business analysis. Some of the activities that are necessary for business analysis planning and monitoring within the Integrated Library System are diverse. Some of the activities include the identification planning and monitoring. It also involves in recognizing the role of business analysts about major concepts when planning along with control events. During business analysis, planning together with control core activities under consideration is the need to understand the objective of the company. Being capable of interpreting direction is an essential factor in the Integrated Library System (Geng 2011). If an individual does not know what and more importantly why there are asked to do a particular task, then there is a risk that they would not deliver some of the essential ideas. Therefore, being a successful business analyst planning along with monitoring, there is the need for every person to have the variety of variable skills and be adaptable to the ever-changing business environment. Moreover, every business planning analysis and monitoring will bring their exclusive blend of experience along with skills to the role. For an individual to perform in this area of business analysis planning and surveillance, he or she needs to have excellent communication skills. They need to have the ability to run stakeholder meetings, be a good listener, hone their presentation skills, be excellent at managing time, possessing skills for writing and documentation, as well as developing their skills for modeling (Al Hijj 2012). These techniques or activities are efficient devices to convey the massive amount of information without necessarily relying on text. The underlying competencies together with tools that is appropriate for conducting Business Analysis Planning along with Monitoring. Skills and tools remain to be the manner of identifying the needs of business and formulating workable solutions to problems facing business analysts. The uses of the plan for analysis are essential although planning is indispensable. Some of the underlying competencies include the need to select the best and most appropriate methodologies along with techniques for every required development based on the needs of the stakeholders and projects. Hunt and Secor (2013) reports that, some underlying competencies include the need to develop consistent requirements, gaining commitments from all interested parties to offer necessary input and time. The used tools like the plan for every activity aid in communicating Business Analysis Planning along with Monitoring commitments and establish the contract with information technology. In other cases, plan aid in th e creation of the contract with business stakeholders. Additionally, Business Analysis Planning along with Monitoring responds to the evolution of project in a best-organized way. The competencies and tools in creating business analysis involve planning, eliciting and validating, documentation, and approving every activity within the corporate sector. According to Yi (2012), the component that has to be inclusive and defined in the Business Analysis Planning along with Monitoring include the scope, standards, requirements development team, methodology, management of change requirements, and assumptions, dependencies, along with operational risks. Elicitation and Collaboration With the geographical distance among programmers along with users' remains to grow, several persons are the force to examine the manner they teach others to think. Different activities within the Elicitation and Collaboration have forces different programmers to adapt at both cooperative together with technical skills. The events also suggest that people in need of the use of integrated library system to prepare to teach various upcoming programmers how to work in collaborative settings. Such engagement aids in the promotion of needs of every system user. Elicitation along with collaboration ideas leads to the activities that involve the creation of a computer supported cooperative issues (Lee 2012). The ideas help in solving environmental problems designed to educate other programmers located in various sectors on how to work as a team in performing the requirements elicitation duties. However, their needs for Elicitation and Collaboration highly relate. These requirements can be ex erciseable more efficiently in the setting supported by the computer cooperative. The interface within the integrated library system that deals with Elicitation and Collaboration encourage collaborative performance that comprises of both groups along with individual performer. Therefore, for operations to succeed in this core knowledge area of business analysis, the computer programmer must be ready to learn how to cooperate with one another (Townsend 2011). The collaboration can be through the particular computer interface within the computing system. The uses of activities like group interface have demonstrated to be more effective in skills when compared to groups that perform the same duties face-to-face. Management of necessities life cycle The need for management of life sequence applies to information system development projects. These projects are essential in ensuring that all functional, as well as user needs, are reachable by the application of the structured and standardized process during every phase of the life cycle of the system. As reported by Zamagni Cutaia (2015), library systems developed according to information technology best practices are probably to offer security as well as performance that are long-term. The activity to perform the core knowledge of requirements life cycle management relies greatly on product information and its identification. It is always necessary for every activity within the business analysis in integrated library system to do through researching on the feature of the product before identifying the best item to use. There is also the need to allow companies to digitalize and integrate entire industrial value chain in this core knowledge of business analysis (Lee 2012). Some o f the ideas learned at this activity can aid people in the business sector to digitalize their operations and integrate their entire value chain of the industry through manufacturing process management and TIA equipment. The integration receives full support from Teamcenterthat can be any industry that leads within the information sector in the provision of essential ideas to library settings. Every activity within this core knowledge aims at bringing success to the company. The success can be achievable by using techniques to get it right when planning requirements. Some activities within the required life cycle management aim at improving the major aspects of strategies or operations management within an organization (Lee 20120. These activities include the need to reduce operational costs, to improve quality, to decrease duration taken from control, decreasing risks within management process, together with ideas of enabling efficient management of scope. The requirements life cycle management exists to deliver products and services through business processes. These requirements within the business decompose into various requirements (Kasper 2017). However, these requirements should be manageable within organizational strategy like programs, projects, and portfolio. The operations management of conditions can be practicable on a daily basis. The underlying competencies together with tools that are appropriate for conducting Business Analysis about Requirements Life Cycle Management are diverse. Some of the device complexity in Requirements Life Cycle Management should match the budget along with business analyst capacities along with organizations needs (Allegeier 2011). Therefore, there is a need to understand business management needs prior an individual to purchase a tool. There exists a tool for management of standalone requirement. There is also integration with other modeling tools within the Requirements Life Cycle Management. Strategy Analysis Activities performed in the strategic analysis of core knowledge within the Integrated Library System provides useful infrastructure. Strategic plan offers the vision along with direction for the future development of public library service in the global business environment. The provided infrastructure from the analysis remains to be the base upon which libraries and its systems depend to support their daily operations as well as delivering content and services to their societies. The activities tied to the strategic analysis make up the ILS to support the stable and highly constrained economic sector that come with global opportunities. However, several activities focus on strategic analysis that every management deals with in operations of integrated library systems. Some of these activities comprise of communication of corporation goals, environmental planning, the process of setting up goals, the focus on subordinate managers, the role of corporate planning, and the linkage of p lanning together with budgeting of every event within the integrated library system. These activities follow different steps in every case analysis by focusing on how they are reachable in both small and big business. The distinguishing factor in these activities within the strategic analysis remains to be whether the system does business in one sector or more than one (Al Hijj 2012). Therefore, activities that are necessary to perform strategic analysis are nothing more than the structured processes that aid in organizing and coordinating the work of the leaders who do the planning. Activities for strategic planning focuses on the size of the system, diversity of operations, the way ILS are organizable and different philosophies and styles of managers. Besides, the activities of effective planning in this core knowledge require situational design. The business of design takes into account the particular situation of the company, particularly along dimensions of diversity together with companys size (Grytsiuk Leshkerych 2017). However, there are different activities or issues on which the choice of choosing a design for strategic planning and analysis system must follow. With every business publishing the correct choice for various companies, tend to be different in most cases from a single firm. These activities include ideas of communicating goals of the system, the process of setting targets and objectives of the system, and activities of the linkage of budgeting and planning. The underlying competencies together with tools based on the notion that internal resources together with core competencies derived from unique abilities offer the strategic platform that underlies the long-term profitability of the system. The tools used to evaluate these capabilities begin with the ability profile of the company that examines the strengths and weaknesses of the system. The tools like SWOT, PESTEL, and Porter Five Forces analysis are necessary to this core knowledge (Kasper 2017). These tools help in determining whether the company has the strengths required to deal with the Special Forces in the external business environment. Such tools enable the business managers to identify internal opportunities along with threats. It also enables managers to distinct competencies that can ward off the threats and compensate for the weakness (Niles 2011). Another additional tool for strategic analysis is the game theory that aid in analyzing dynamic and sequential decision at t he tactical level of the integrated library system. Requirements Analysis and Design Definition The activities in this core knowledge of business analysis encompass several tasks that focus on the determination of the needs of conditions to meet for the advanced project or product. Such activities within this stage take into account the possibility conflict requirements for several stakeholders, documentation, and analysis, validation, along with elements of software or management of such software (Yi 2012). Activities surounding the stage of necessities analysis along with definition of design are critical to the failure or success of the integrated library system. The activities that look at the requirements analysis has to receive proper documentation, measure, test, trace, action, that relates to needs of identified business or opportunities. Requirements Analysis and Design Definition include three different types of activities. These activities include eliciting requirements, analyzing, and recording activities. Obtaining activities within this core knowledge involve business process documentation as well as interviews of stakeholder. On the other side of explaining operations, its aims at determining whether the stated requirements are complete, clear, unambiguous, consistent, and able to resolve any apparent conflicts (Yuvaraj 2015). Furthermore, recording activities during design definition and analysis focus on the need for documentation of various forms. These types usually comprise of a summary list that at times include documentation of natural language, user stories, use cases, process specifications, and the variety of models such as data models. However, the underlying competencies together with tools based on requirement analysis can be the long and tiring process that involves dedication of psychological ski lls. Analysts can employ several tools to elicit the needs from their targeted customers. Solution Evaluation The core knowledge of Solution Evaluation has the purpose of training assessment needs that are essential in identifying requirements of performance and knowledge, capabilities, along with skills. These elements are critical in operations of business analysts to achieve the requirements as set by the integrated library system. However, there are different activities in every level of solution evaluation. These activities comprise of organizational, occupational, as well as individual assessments (Elmetwaly 20110. The business of assessing operations of organization tends to evaluate the level of performance of the system. It determines the skills, capacity, and knowledge that the business operator needs. Besides, it defines what is necessary to alleviate the weakness and problems of the integrated library system and improve strengths and competencies. The activities of functional assessment in this core knowledge in business analysis examine the knowledge, skills, and capabilities needed for affected occupational groups. The activity of assessing occupation identifies how and the professional discrepancies or gaps exist, potentially introduced by the direction of the agency. The exercise also aids in the examination of advanced ways to perform duties that can eliminate gaps within operations of integrated library systems (Girl 2012). Furthermore, the business of assessing individual during solution evaluation aims at analyzing how every single employee is striving to perform his or her duties. These activities determine the capacity of an individual to advance or different work. Therefore, all these activities within the solution evaluation in business analysis offer information on which workers need training (Farrell Truitt 2013). However, the underlying competencies together with tools based on solution evaluation rely greatly on individual performance. Conclusion Integrated Library System and its definition are beginning to change from the system that has the basic purpose of sharing bibliographic records for local uses. It also begins to change from the module to the network that exchanges information with various other systems outside of the library. Development of technologies such as the architectures of clients or servers along with standardized protocols for passing data from a given system to another, such transfer is facilitating this integration of outside sources of information into local regimes. Therefore, Integrated Library System remains to be the system of resource planning within an enterprise for the library that is essential in tracking items owned by individuals, paying bills, making orders, and patrons who have borrowed. The need for management must include the discipline to maintain every aspect of the traceability and must have discipline. Such qualities aid in ensuring that every factor during business analysis fits tog ether as per plan. References Ahammad, N. (2014). Implementing the Koha integrated library system at the Independent University, Bangladesh. The Electronic Library, 32(5), pp.642-658. Al Hijji, K. (2012). Strategic analysis process at academic libraries in Oman. Library Management, 33(4/5), pp.307-323. Allgeier, S. (2017). Water Quality MonitoringMake a Business Case for Distribution System Monitoring and Response Planning. Opflow, 43(3), pp.8-9. Elmetwaly, H. (2011). Information System Analysis and Building for Integrated Real Estate Business Management in Real Estate Market. American Journal of Economics and Business Administration, 3(2), pp.416-419. Farrell, K. and Truitt, M. (2013). The case for acquisitions standards in the integrated library system. Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services, 27(4), pp.483-492. Geng, B. (2011). Integrated System of Life Cycle Management of Large Stadium Projects. Advanced Materials Research, 250-253, pp.3150-3154. Giri, R. (2012). NewGenLib 3: an integrated open source library management system that makes your library visible in web. Library Hi Tech News, 29(10), pp.4-12. Grytsiuk, Y. and Leshkevych, I. (2017). THE PROBLEMS OF DEFINITION AND ANALYSIS OF SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 27(4), pp.148-158. Hunt, K. and Secor, W. (2013). A Business Case Analysis Of The Snowboarding Industry. Journal of Business Case Studies (JBCS), 9(2), p.111. Kasper, L. (2017). S Corporation ValuationsAn Analysis in Search of a Solution. Business Valuation Review, 26(4), pp.127-136. Kumar, T. (2016). Adoption of Koha Open Source Integrated Library System in Indian Libraries: An Analytical Study. Indian Journal of Library and Information Science, 10(2), pp.149-155. Kwak, S. (2014). Study on Usability Evaluation of Integrated Library System in Public Libraries. Journal of Social Science, 25(3). Lee, l. (2012). Life Cycle Analysis of Material Flow and the Construction of National Integrated Resources Management System on Metal Resources. Journal of the Korean Society of Mineral and Energy Resources Engineers, 49(6), p.865. McGrory, M., Williams, M., Taylor, K. and Freeze, B. (2017). The Impact of the Integrated Digital Library System on the CNIB Library. Library Trends, 55(4), pp.994-1045. Niles, N. (2011). A Case Study In Strategic Financial Planning In Health Service Organizations. Journal of Business Case Studies (JBCS), 6(5). Ritala, P. and Sainio, L. (2013). Coopetition for radical innovation: technology, market and business-model perspectives. Technology Analysis Strategic Management, 26(2), pp.155-169. Townsend, W. (2011). An Application Of The Rational Unified Process For Requirements Analysis. Journal of Business Case Studies (JBCS), 6(1). Yi, M. (2012). Effective medical resources searching using an ontology?driven medical information retrieval system. The Electronic Library, 30(2), pp.248-263. Yuvaraj, M. (2015). Problems and prospects of implementing cloud computing in university libraries. Library Review, 64(8/9), pp.567-582. Zamagni, A. and Cutaia, L. (2015). Life cycle assessment in market, research, and policy: Harmonization beyond standardization. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 11(3), pp.370-372.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The conflicting responses, which the character of Shylock provokes in the audience Essay Example
The conflicting responses, which the character of Shylock provokes in the audience Paper Written sometime between 1596 and 1598, The Merchant of Venice is classified as both an early Shakespearean comedy and as a problem play; it is a work in which good triumphs over evil, but serious themes are examined and some issues remain unresolved. In the play, Shakespeare wove together two classic folk tales, one involving a vengeful, greedy creditor trying to take a pound of flesh, the other involving a fight for the hand of a rich princess with a correct choice among three chests and thereby winning his companion. Shakespeares writing of the first tale centres on the Jewish moneylender Shylock who seeks a literal pound of flesh from his Christian opponent, the generous, faithful Antonio. In Shakespeares A Merchant of Venice, the character Shylock provokes conflicting responses in the audience. Throughout the play, Shylock is portrayed as being a greedy, malicious and bitter man, who is hated for his religion and his money lending. However, the audience is still able to recognise an injustice in the way he is treated. Shylock is shunned from society, principally because of his Jewish background. Therefore, the audience have conflicting feelings towards the character. Shakespeare achieves this effect through varying language techniques and dramatic devices. We will write a custom essay sample on The conflicting responses, which the character of Shylock provokes in the audience specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The conflicting responses, which the character of Shylock provokes in the audience specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The conflicting responses, which the character of Shylock provokes in the audience specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In this essay I will be looking at the different perceptions of Shylock and how Shakespeare controls them in order to answer the question; is Shylock a victim or a villain? The audiences perceptions of Shylock vary dramatically throughout the play. For example, Shakespeare portrays Shylock as being racist, selfish, profane and without integrity in Act 1 Scene 3, during Shylocks aside. Shylock tells the audience: I hate him for he is a Christian. This quote shows Shylock as being racist. Another quote from the aside shows the character as being without integrity: If I can catch him once upon the hip, I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him. This quote also shows him as being grudge bearing, ruthless and unforgiving. Passages such as this aside give the audience the perception that Shylock is the villain of the play. Shylock is petty in his hatred of Antonio, and this gives the audience a bad impression of the character. However, the audiences opinion of Shylock changes as the play continues. For example, the audience take a more sympathetic view to Shylock in Act 3 Scene 1. Shylocks To bait fish withal speech is a pivotal moment in the play, and subsequently, is pivotal to the audiences perceptions of Shylock. The speech shows Shylocks sensitive side and sways the audience into thinking that he has reason to be embittered and that perhaps Antonio, plus the other men on the Rialto are the villains of the play, and Shylock is indeed a victim. Certain quotes from the play, such as the comparisons between Christians and Jews: If you prick us, do we not bleed and fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons are particularly powerful moments in the speech and appeal massively to the audiences empathetic side. Overall, the audiences perception of Shylock swings from dislike to sympathy, and from contempt to understanding. Therefore, throughout the play it is hard to suggest whether Shylock is a victim or a villain. During Shakespeares time, anti-Semitism was very prominent. Christians hated Jews for their religious backgrounds and principally, the Jewish role in the death of Jesus Christ. Because of this hatred, many Jews were shunned from society and discriminated against because of their religion. For example, when a Portuguese Jew called Roderigo Lopez was accused of plotting to kill the Queen. During the trial, Lopez was called worse than Judas himself and of a religious profession fit for any execrable undertaking. However, far worse, the Judge himself referred to Lopez as that vile Jew. In The Merchant of Venice Shylocks character reflects the feelings harboured towards the Jews at the time. In the play, Shylock is not allowed to prosper and is particularly denied by Antonio, a wealthy Christian. It is this rivalry between Shylock the Jew and Antonio the Christian that provides the spine of the play. In my opinion, Shakespeare used this rivalry to write the play and in turn highlight the prejudice that was very strong at the time towards Jewish people. Speeches and sections of the play, such as Shylocks speech To bait fish withal portray the message that the Jews are spurned by society, however, they also ask the question of why the Jews are hated when there are so many similarities between Jews and Christians? Therefore, I suggest that Shakespeare wrote the play to educate the audience about Jewish people and how they should not be discriminated against because of their beliefs. The relationship between Antonio and Shylock is very heated. This is highlighted in Act 1 Scene 3 when the bond is agreed between the two. Both men dislike each other and compete intensely for they are both in the money lending trade. Moreover, their hatred runs deep due to their conflicting religions. Antonio is a Christian, and Shylock is an orthodox Jew. My first impressions of Shylock are that he is a shrewd businessman with a ruthless attitude. He is strong willed and determined. I also see him as being bitter and resentful. This opinion is based on Act 1 Scene 3, when Shylock agrees the bond with Antonio. This is apparent throughout the scene and is portrayed by the way Shylock is running the situation. He makes it clear that he is in control and the bond is made to seem far more important to Antonio and Bassanio than it is to Shylock. This is a dramatic device used by Shakespeare that is used to create an image of Shylock. Quotes such as: Three thousand ducats I think I may take his bond show Shylock as being care free about a very large sum of money. Words such as may show that it is not necessary for Shylock to take his bond and consequently, he is in control. This, coupled with the characters demeanour throughout the scene paints the picture that Shylock is very clever, wily and assured with his finances. However, Shylocks aside in this scene conveys to the audience that all is not what it seems; Shylock is acting cool about the bond so as to seem carefree. The aside shows Shylocks darker, far more cynical side. As aforementioned, he speaks of his contempt for Antonio as he is a Christian, and perhaps more importantly, he is a moneylender, who charges no interest on his loans, therefore is Antonio is strong competition to Shylock. Because of this rivalry and the hostility between the two men, either would take delight in having any hold over them. The fact that Shylock has this bind in the early stages of the play tells the audience that he is a villain because he has control over another man once the bond is sealed. Moreover, Antonio is a gentleman and is seen as the hero of the play; therefore, his enemy Shylock must be the villain, particularly if he has a hold over Antonio that could threaten his life. Act 3 Scene 1 is a very instrumental part of the play when answering the question; is Shylock a victim or a villain? In this scene, Shylock reports the loss of his daughter to Solanio, Salarino and consequently the audience. Shylocks daughter, Jessica, has fled Venice and Shylocks care with Lorenzo and all of her fathers wealth. This clearly angers Shylock, however this anger is furthered due to Lorenzos religious beliefs he is a Christian. Shylock and his daughter are Jewish, the fact that Jessica should run away with someone who is not of Jewish background enrages Shylock. This is particularly the case as Jessica ran away with a Christian she ran away with someone whose religion had caused her father so much indiscretion and humiliation. In this scene it is ambiguous as to whether Shylock cares more for the money he has lost, or for the loss of his only daughter. For example, quotes such as: I say my daughter is my own flesh and blood show that Shylock is distraught over the abandonment subjected to him by his daughter. Jessica was all Shylock had, and for her to leave him must have been both deeply hurtful and angering. However, there are many quotes further on in the scene when Shylock is discussing his daughters plight with Tubal, who had been searching for Jessica that suggest otherwise. For example: I would my daughter were dead at my foot, and the jewels in her ear: would she were hearsd at my foot, and the ducats in her coffin this quote is a perfect example of how materialistic Shylock is and how he cares more for his money than for the one person in the world he had a real connection with. This quote in particular shows Shylock, as being a villain, as the audience would find it hard to relate to a man who wishes his own daughter be dead, let alone sympathise with such a person, no matter what has brought this wish to his mind. The language used here is extremely vivid. For example, I would she were hearsd at my foot, and the ducats in her coffin. Words such as coffin and hearsd are excellent expression used to really paint a picture in the audiences mind of Shylock being a heartless murderer. Shakespeare makes it this way so as to create a sense in the audiences mind of Shylock stood over his daughters lifeless body, with his riches returned to him. The effect of this on the audiences opinion of Shylock is that of Shylock being ruthless and overwhelmingly materialistic. Consequently, Shylock is seen as a terrible villain. This negative side to Shylocks character is also highlighted in Act 2 Scene 8, when Salanio speaks of how Shylock reacted to his daughters renunciation. Salanio quotes Shylock as saying: A sealed bag, two sealed bags of ducats, Of double ducats, stolen from me by my daughter, And jewels, two stones, two rich and precious stones, stolen by my daughter: justice, find the girl, She hath the stones upon her and the ducats. This quote shows how Shylock is frenetic about the loss of his daughter; however, he is inconsolable over the taking of his wealth and possessions. This shows Shylock to be obsessed by money, and greedy and selfish in his pursuit for wealth. However, half way through Act 3 Scene 1, Shylock has an infinitely poignant speech in which he outlines the prejudices faced by him. This speech confuses the audience over whether Shylock is a villain or a victim. In this speech beginning To bait fish withal Shylock outlines the prejudices facing him and how they have embittered him. This speech appeals to the audiences sympathy and makes the issue as to whether Shylock is a victim or a villain clouded. During the speech, Shylock compares the similarities and differences between himself and Antonio. When explaining why Antonio has shunned him he says: I am a Jew. This is a massively important moment in the play. Here, the audience is at the point where they are most sympathetic for Shylock as he argues that the reason as to why he has been treated badly is simply for his religious beliefs. Shylock is seen as the victim of racial discrimination, which in modern society is seen as utterly disgraceful. Shakespeare then continues to put forward Shylocks case against Antonio by using many figurative language techniques. For example, vivid imagery is used throughout the speech and this is highlighted by quote such as: I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions Here repetition is also used to highlight the fact that aside from their religious backgrounds there is nothing palpably different between Shylock the Jew and Antonio the Christian. Repetition is also used further on in the speech: fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is. This quote is an excellent example of the fantastic imaginary and persuasive language used by Shakespeare. In this quote the audience is on the side of Shylock, the audience realises that he is a victim of racism and can be forgiven for his misdemeanours. This forgiveness is strengthened by Shylock furthering his argument in a far more forceful way as Shakespeare writes an air of defiance into Shylocks persona: if you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge? This quote in particular shows that Shylock, and the entire Jewish race are but only human and in almost every way similar to their Christian counterparts. This has the effect on the audience of thinking that if Shylock is not entirely different from the men on the Rialto and Antonio in particular, why do they hate him so? Shakespeare created this speech for the character to enthral the audience by creating two characters who oppose each other and who the audience can identify with. However as an alternative interpretation, I also believe that Shakespeare created this speech for the audience to give a voice to the Jewish community and perhaps give them a chance to persuade the Christian community to understand that Jews should not be discriminated against because of their beliefs, nor should any religious community. Shakespeare, in my opinion was not a racist man, nor was he afraid to shock an audience. I believe that Shylocks speech was designed to both add weight to the conflict between the two men and consequently the two religions and to add weight to the Jewish plight, which in the days of A Merchant of Venice was met with more than a little trepidation. Whilst the speech uses varying technical devices in order to enthral the audience in Shylocks plight, the language of the speech can be very ordinary. The language still naturally holds a Shakespearean tone and rhythm, however many sentences are distinctly colloquial. Shakespeare uses this effect in order to make the character seem human. This will help the audience to relate to Shylock. This, in turn, will encourage the audience to continue to question whether Shylock is indeed a victim or a villain, which will interest them further in the play. The structure of Act 3 Scene 1 is crucial as to whether the audience sees Shylock as a victim or a villain. The structure is worked so as Shylock is seen as a victim one minute and a villain the next. For example, Shylock is seen as a victim in his speech To bait fish withal yet is seen as a villain just minutes in the play later when he is conversing with Tubal about how Antonio has suffered misfortune with his fleet of ships, and is therefore subject to Shylocks clauses as written in the bond. When Tubal explains Antonios disposition to Shylock, he responds by saying: I am very glad of it, Ill plague him, Ill torture him, I am glad of it. This quote shows the villainous side to Shylock in full light. Shylock is cheered by the news of Antonios loss and looks forward to taking his pound of flesh without haste. This structure is one of the main reasons as to why it is unclear to the audience as to whether Shylock is a victim or indeed whether he is a villain. After Act 3 Scene 1, the audience will be unsure as to whether Shylock is a victim or a villain. Shylock will be seen as a victim of racism due to his speech to bait fish withal and how the Christians scorn him, for example the rudeness shown to him by Salario and Salarino in the scene. The audience will also feel sympathetic to Shylock, as the one person in the world he thought he could trust in has abandoned him with almost his entire wealth. However, the audience will also be aware that the character is materialistic, as shown by his response to his daughters fleeing. The audience will also feel that Shylock is viscous and a coward by how he is delighted by the news that Antonio must take the forfeit as written in the bond and Shylock can take a pound of flesh from him. These conflicting responses, coupled with the structure of this particular scene will make it impossible to decide whether Shylock is definitely a victim or definitely a villain. Another scene that contributes particularly to answering the question: is Shylock a victim or a villain? is Act 4 Scene 1 (the court scene). In this scene, Shylock is questioned as to whether he is certain he wants to take his bond, and with it Antonios life. This scene is very dramatic, however, the audience would be relaxed as they would expect Shylock to give in to the pressure placed on him and not take his bond, the audience expects Shylock to show mercy and not be the villain that he seems to be. However, this is not the case until Shylock is forced into negotiating the bond. It is necessary for Shakespeare to not allow Shylock to show mercy to Antonio, as this would be what the audience expects, which of course would make the outcome of the play rather predictable. Instead, suspense is maintained through Shylocks relentless demand of a pound of Antonios flesh. While the audience expects Shylock to capitulate, he does not. This begins to make the audience unsure of the outcome of the play and makes them anxious as to whether the hero, Antonio, will suffer the unthinkable. Portia also maintains suspense. Bassanios new love is acting as a lawyer for Antonio. She is particularly intelligent and is well aware that there are circumstances in the bond that mean Antonios life will ultimately be spared. However, she does not make these legislations known to the court for some time. She does this in order to give Shylock the opportunity to prove that he is not an unforgiving man by sparing Antonios life and by doing this suggesting that he is misunderstood and mistreated by the Christians. Portia waits right up until Shylock is preparing to plunge the knife into Antonios waiting torso before declaring her knowledge: Shed thou no blood, nor cut thou less nor more but just a pound of flesh: if thou takst more or less than a poundthou diest, all thy goods are confiscate. After Portia has declared this, the suspense is cleared. Shakespeare delivers this scene wonderfully, as the audience are certain that Shylock will surrender, until the knife is almost thrust into Antonios chest and Portia prevents the Christians death. The suspense is maintained throughout, and the audience are still unsure as to whether Shylock is a victim or a villain, which keeps them eternally interested in the play. A variety of dramatic devices are also used in Act 4 Scene 1. For example, the structure of the scene is used as a dramatic device. The scene is littered with long, drawn out speeches, made by the varying characters, particularly Shylock as he argues his case, and by Antonio who protests his innocence. The Duke and Portia also have large parts to play in this scene. The different characters tend to speak in turn throughout the scene, as one would expect from a court scene. This creates the sense of an argument. This coupled with some strong points from each corner make it very hard for the audience to conclude as to who is in the wrong. However, the underlying consensus will be that Antonio does not deserve to die for his misdemeanours. This argumentative structure is particularly prominent towards the beginning of the scene. Firstly, the Duke states the case against Shylock and for Antonio, with a speech that is centred on appealing to Shylocks guilty side, and is designed to make him see sense. The speech has a tone of superiority, even at a time when humility would be well advised, as Shylock holds al the cards. The very last line of the Dukes speech highlights this aloofness, when he spits: We all expect a gentle answer Jew. This quote is hugely effective in making the audience sympathetic towards Shylocks cause, as the reference to Shylocks religious beliefs are completely irrelevant to the running of this trial. Following this, Shylock has his chance to speak and does so by insisting that he will secure his bond, and take a pound of Antonios flesh: And by our Holy Sabbath I have sworn to have the due and forfeit of my bond. After both sides have stated their cases, the argument becomes more frantic with the characters remaining stubborn and continuing their argument in short bursts. For example, Bassanio argues with Shylock, suggesting that Shylock is inhumane with rhetorical questions, such as: Do all men kill the things they do not love? It is short and well-timed phrases or questionings such as these, which continue throughout the scene, making it difficult for the audience to conclude as to whether Shylock is a victim or a villain. As an alternative interpretation, these rhetorical questions and short, snappy accusations, which Shylock has no chance to dismiss, may reflect the trial itself. The trial is certainly less than fair, and the pressure that the defending characters put on Shylock is also unnecessary. This is similar to the way Shylock is unable to defend himself from the threats and accusations sent his way. Overall, the structure of the scene makes it very hard for the audience to conclude as to whether Shylock is a victim or a villain. This is due to the opposing arguments being put forward in turn by each member of the scene, thus creating an uncertainty as to who is in the right, or wrong. These arguments are both equally convincing. However, overall, Shylock is made to be seem villainous by the structure of the scene as he is forced to remain stubborn and repel the opposition time after time as their case is argued often and in short and some long bursts, rather than Shylock denying their pleaful requests once only. Shakespeare has structured the scene this way in order for the audience to be unsure of who is in the right. The audience members will be able to identify with both sides of the argument, therefore they will want to follow the play further as the suspense is maintained as to who will prevail, and ultimately who will be the victim, and who will be the villain. As the scene unfolds, Shylock seems to be facing a battle that was lost before he began. The population of the courtroom is against him and his wishes. Shylock faces tremendous pressure from the defenders of Antonio, and Antonio himself, not to mention the Duke (the judge) also. While Shylock seems to be losing his battle, the audience feels ultimately that right has been done, in saving Antonios life, however, there is a sense of injustice as to how Shylock has been treated. Throughout the scene, Shylock is badgered by his opposition as they try to make him feel guilty for claiming what is rightfully his. This is highlighted by quotes such as: Not on thy sole, harsh Jew, thou makst thy knife keen. But no metal can, no, not the hangmans axe, bear half the keenness of thy sharp envy. Can no prayers pierce thee? reasons Gratiano, as he seeks to save Antonio by swaying the mind of Shylock and his conscience. Shylock continues to seek what is rightfully his, when Gratiano outrages: O be thou damned, inexcrable dog. This quote shows that Shylock is being treated awfully during the trial, and the trial is anything but fair. However, the audience will side with Antonio because they will believe that he does not deserve to die for his crime. However, the truth remains that Shylock has been denied the right to a fair trial and is being bullied by the many people who oppose him, just as they bully him on the rialto. This will endear the audience to Shylock, and will make him seem more of a victim than a villain for large parts of this scene. This is highlighted particularly at the beginning of the scene when the audience believe that he will relent and not exact his revenge on Antonio, and when the Duke opens the case with a speech that is very patronising and cruel to Shylock. For example, the aforementioned quote We all expect a gentle answer Jew is the last line in his speech, which will make the audience feel great sorrow for Shylock, as he is seemingly shunned due to his religious beliefs. Shylock is offered compensation in place of the money he has lost, three thousand ducats and more is offered his way in order to save the life of Antonio. However, Shylock denies this opportunity. This shows that Shylock is not as materialistic and greedy as his reaction to the loss of his daughter had suggested. His reasoning highlights this: If every ducat in six thousand ducats were in six parts and every part a ducat I would not draw them; I would have my bond. This shows Shylock to have some morals, he will stand by his beliefs, however, this is contradicted as his beliefs involve the murdering of a largely innocent man. Shylock is offered the money repeatedly throughout the scene. However, he denies it upon every occasion it is thrust in his direction. Antonio and his defence offer the money to Shylock repeatedly in order to appeal to his pocket, and his mind, and ultimately forfeit the bond. However, Shylock will not falter. This creates an opinion in the audience of Shylock being a villain. This is because Shylock must ignore the pleading of the Christians each time they remonstrate with him. This means that Shylock will deny Antonio many times, therefore the audience begin to realise that he is serious about exacting his bond, and taking the life of another, thus rendering him a murderer, and a villain of the highest calibre.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Rebirth of the KKK essays
Rebirth of the KKK essays The Ku Klux Klan first appeared in late 1865 or early 1866 in Pulaski, Tennessee. It began as a Tennessee social club but soon turned into a paramilitary force under the direction of Nathan Bedford Forrest. The Klans primary purpose was white supremacy and the main goal was to keep blacks out of the voting booths. By 1870 the Klan was everywhere in the south. They were strong supporters of the Democratic Party and often beat and sometimes killed republican politicians. Due to the overabundance of violent and sometimes fatal crimes many members of the Klan found themselves in trouble with the law. Because of this the Klan was basically obsolete by the mid 1870s. Beginning in the early nineteenth century there were massive waves of immigrants coming into the country. The majority of these immigrants were mostly from Italy, Russia, and Ireland. Along with all these new people came new languages, customs, and beliefs. They also provided a cheap source of labor. Many Americans saw this to be threatening to their jobs and their culture. Along with all the new immigrants the country was under going drastic changes of its own such as styles, music, and beliefs. All these changes began to scare old stock Americans. Thousands of fundamentalists Christians were bewildered by the progressive era victories of evolution and social gospel, not to mention jazz, gin, and short skirts. These fundamentalist Christians were seeking a way to bring old-time religion back. On Thanksgiving Day in 1915 Colonel William J. Simmons created what they had been seeking. That night Simmons held a cross burning ceremony atop Stone Mountain in Georgia. The ceremony pledged new members to be True to the faithful maintenance of white supremacy. In order to become a member of the new Ku Klux Klan you were required to vow to be a native born American citizen who believed in the tenets of the Christi...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Make Glowing Jell-O
How to Make Glowing Jell-O Its incredibly easy to make Jell-Oâ„ ¢ or other gelatin glow under a black light. Heres how to make it happen: Glowing Jell-O Materials package of Jell-O or other gelatintonic waterblack light Make the Jell-O Follow the directions on the package, except use tonic water instead of water.For a small package, the usual directions would be to heat 1 cup of tonic water to boiling.Mix the boiling tonic water and Jell-O until the powder is completely dissolved.Stir in another cup of tonic water.Pour the liquid into a pan or bowl.Refrigerate the Jell-O until is has set.You can use cookie cutters to make shapes out of the gelatin if desired.Shine a black light on the Jell-O to make it glow. No matter what flavor/color of Jell-O you use, it will glow bright blue under the black light. This is the fluorescence of the quinine in the tonic water. Quinine also gives tonic water a distinctive bitter flavor which you will also taste in the gelatin. If you dont like the taste, you can lessen it by using half tonic water and half tap water in the recipe. Either sugar-free or regular tonic water works fine for this recipe. Some recipes call for using a low percentage of tonic water (5-10%). The glow from this gelatin will be extremely faint, especially if the dessert is colored. You need a decent amount of quinine to get a bright glow.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Comparison of Feud, Neo-Feud and Post Feud Ideas Coursework
Comparison of Feud, Neo-Feud and Post Feud Ideas - Coursework Example As theories were tested through discussions and questioning most of his followers found themselves holding diverging opinions from Feud and his theories. The result was a breakaway and formulation of other theories. The new theories, nonetheless, still hold some of the same underlying principles of psychoanalysis by Feud. Example the view of the unconscious self a drive in emotions, cognitions, and behaviors. The defense mechanism idea in relation to unconscious is also maintained. Karen Honey on Feminine psychology: FEUD PERSPECTIVE Karen perspective differed with feuds perspective because of feuds portrayal of women as desiring to be male. Feud perspective viewed women as incomplete and missing some element- not being a person of their own (Brown, 1961). NEO-FEUD PERSPECTIVE The Adult behavior is focused on overcoming basic anxiety experienced in child hood i.e. neurotic needs, behavior is shaped by attempts to avoid this anxiety experiences (Brown, 1961). Carl Jung’s Analytic Psycholog: FEUD PERSPECTIVE Most of personalities displayed in child adulthood is shaped by experiences in early childhood (Ash, 1987). NEO-FEUD PERSPECTIVE Collective unconscious All people share certain inborn ideas and memories, most of which reside in the unconscious †¢ Archetypes-fundamental images. †¢ Persona– Social mask used in public False self to protect privacy †¢ Anima– The perception of the female, as held in the mind of a male †¢ Animus– The idealized image of the male, as held in the mind of a female †¢ The anima and animus images lead to misunderstandings (Ash, 1987).
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Critical Review & Appraisal of one published Research Study Essay
Critical Review & Appraisal of one published Research Study - Essay Example Themes in the literature tend to lean toward identifying the consequences and causes of domestic violence (Johnson and Ferraro, 2000). Crime studies tend to demonstrate a bias in favour of women as the primary victims of domestic violence (Straus, 1999). The reality is however, that men are victims of domestic violence (Straus, 1999). In fact, the Home Affairs Committee (2009: 133) of the House of Commons commented that ‘men are the forgotten victims of domestic violence’. It is the reality that men are victims of domestic violence and the fact that the Home Affairs Committee acknowledged the neglect of male victims of domestic violence that prompted my interest in research on this subject. I selected a peer reviewed article by Dobash and Dobash (2004) because it provides empirical evidence of why much of the focus on domestic violence tends to be biased in favour of women as the primary victims. The research was based on a mixed methods approach involving 95 couples where both partners had reported violence against one another. This research is important to me because it helps me in my future career plans in social and community development by shedding light on the social construction of domestic violence as a problem primarily for women. The article selected is: Dobash, R.P. and Dobash, R. E. (2004). ‘Women’s violence to men in intimate relationships.’ British Journal of Criminology, 44: 324-349. In selecting the article by Dobash and Dobash (2004) I began by entering key terms in the search engine provided by several databases online. The databases selected were Jstor, Springer, Wiley, Google Scholar, Sage, Karger Open Access, Elsevier, Taylor & Francis Group, and Exlibris. I also conducted a general search of Google. The key words entered into the search engines were ‘domestic violence against men’, ‘domestic violence against men in the UK,’ ‘men as victims of domestic violence’ and ‘men as victims of domestic
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Roman Empire Essay Example for Free
Roman Empire Essay Between 100 CE and 600 CE, the Roman empire underwent a change politically as the empire collapsed due to chaos inside it’s empire. Culturally, influence of Christianity grew. The Eastern Roman empire, Byzantines, proved to keep a continuity of the empire. The most dramatic change that the Roman Empire had was its collapse in the late classical period. Han China and Gupta India, also struggled with a collapse in their own empires at the same time. In the year 100 CE, the Mediterranean, and majority of Europe, was in the middle of the Pax Romana. In 180 CE, Rome’s decline was viewed as a decline because of a faulty leadership and outside invasions, this was due to, lack of strong leadership. This caused Rome’s collapse to speed up. Other factors blocked it’s ability to prosper, but without effective leadership, they could not grow as an empire. As the size of the Roman Empire and its trading grew, taxes on the peasants became more difficult to overcome for the lower class. Free peasants usually fled the intimidating taxes by selling their land and becoming workers for other things. From this it led to Germanic soldiers guarding the frontiers of the empire. This caused the final injury to the empire. Germanics spread plagues which lead to population decreasing. In 476, Rome was attacked, and the Roman Empire was ended. The downfall of this is due to, in 100CE Rome had started to fall and by 476CE fell because of plagues and political changes . Another important change to the Roman Empire during the late classical period was the growing of Christianity. The spreading of religion in the Roman Empire was similar to the spread of Buddhism in China while the Han dynasty was falling. In 100 CE,many Romans still stayed in their original religion , even though these years are after the death of Jesus. Christianity attracted poor Romans because of its teachings of class not determining your fate. This led to, Emperor Constantine converting to Christianity. From this one can infer that Christianity then spread more easily. Christianity grew to be very common. After Rome fell, the organization of the Christian church usually provided help for people in a time of political problems. This led to Christianity gaining more converters.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
A Brief History of Yellow Fever Essay -- Diseases, Disorders
You woke up a week ago feeling odd. You were not sure what was wrong, but your body was full of aches, you felt hot to the touch, and you kept vomiting. Your mother told you to lay down and rest, hoping it was just a cold. After a few days, you began to feel better, well enough that you wanted to return to the river to watch the trade ships come in. Now, unfortunately, your symptoms have come back with a vengeance – your fever is back along with intense abdominal pain, your mouth is bleeding without being wounded, and every time you vomit, it appears black in color. Also, when you look in the mirror, your skin has changed from the sun-kissed color you have always been to a dull yellow hue. The doctor comes in to examine you; he makes many â€Å"tsk tsk†noises and hurries out of the room with a cloth over his face. The doctor mumbles to your mother that he believes you have Yellow Jack and there is nothing more he can do, you are going to die. Your mother weeps uncontro llably yet you cannot react because another horrendous pain in your head has doubled you over. Soon, as you stop shaking and begin to relax, the sounds of the doctor and your mother become white noise and your surroundings begin to dull until you prove the doctor right; another person fell victim to the infectious Yellow Fever virus. There is no definitive history or discovery date, but it is assumed that Yellow Fever originated in Africa and was brought to the Americas by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes â€Å"hitchhiking†on trade and slave ships. The first believed outbreak happened in 1648 in the Yucatà ¡n. It is â€Å"believed†because early documentation of disease and illness was not thoroughly investigated or described, they could have been caused by one thing or another. There is ... ...Organization summed it up best by stating â€Å"yellow fever is still considered to be a public health emergency of international concern,†(Yellow Fever WHO). Works Cited Castro, Ivà ¡n. 100 Hispanics You Should Know. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2007. Print. Cefrey, Holly. Yellow Fever. New York, NY: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., 2002. Print. Dickerson, James L. Yellow Fever: A Deadly Disease Poised to Kill Again. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2006. Print. Murphy, Jim. An American Plague: the True and Terrifying Story of the Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1793. New York, NY: Clarion Books, 2003. Print. Shmaefsky, Brian R. Yellow Fever. New York, NY: Chelsea House, 2010. Print. â€Å"Yellow Fever.† Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d. Web. 28 Nov. 2011. â€Å"Yellow Fever.† World Health Organization, n.d. Web. 28 Nov. 2011.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Vampire Academy Chapter 18
EIGHTEEN I WOKE UP STARING AT the boring white ceiling of the clinic. A filtered light – soothing to Moroi patients – shone down on me. I felt strange, kind of disoriented, but I didn't hurt. â€Å"Rose.†The voice was like silk on my skin. Gentle. Rich. Turning my head, I met Dimitri's dark eyes. He sat in a chair beside the bed I lay on, his shoulder-length brown hair hanging forward and framing his face. â€Å"Hey,†I said, my voice coming out as a croak. â€Å"How do you feel?†â€Å"Weird. Kind of groggy.†â€Å"Dr. Olendzki gave you something for the pain – you seemed pretty bad when we brought you in.†â€Å"I don't remember that†¦How long have I been out?†â€Å"A few hours.†â€Å"Must have been strong. Must still be strong.†Some of the details came back. The bench. My ankle getting caught. I couldn't remember much after that. Feeling hot and cold and then hot again. Tentatively, I tried moving the toes on my healthy foot. â€Å"I don't hurt at all.†He shook his head. â€Å"No. Because you weren't seriously injured.†The sound of my ankle cracking came back to me. â€Å"Are you sure? I remember†¦the way it bent. No. Something must be broken.†I manage to sit up, so I could look at my ankle. â€Å"Or at least sprained.†He moved forward to stop me. â€Å"Be careful. Your ankle might be fine, but you're probably still a little out of it.†I carefully shifted to the edge of the bed and looked down. My jeans were rolled up. The ankle looked a little red, but I had no bruises or serious marks. â€Å"God, I got lucky. If I'd hurt it, it would have put me out of practice for a while.†Smiling, he returned to his chair. â€Å"I know. You kept telling me that while I was carrying you. You were very upset.†â€Å"You†¦you carried me here?†â€Å"After we broke the bench apart and freed your foot.†Man. I'd missed out on a lot. The only thing better than imagining Dimitri carrying me in his arms was imagining him shirtless while carrying me in his arms. Then the reality of the situation hit me. â€Å"I was taken down by a bench,†I groaned. â€Å"What?†â€Å"I survived the whole day guarding Lissa, and you guys said I did a good job. Then, I get back here and meet my downfall in the form of a bench.†Ugh. â€Å"Do you know how embarrassing it is? And all those guys saw, too.†â€Å"It wasn't your fault,†he said. â€Å"No one knew the bench was rotted. It looked fine.†â€Å"Still. I should have just stuck to the sidewalk like a normal person. The other novices are going to give me shit when I get back.†His lips held back a smile. â€Å"Maybe presents will cheer you up.†I sat up straighter. â€Å"Presents?†The smile escaped, and he handed me a small box with a piece of paper. â€Å"This is from Prince Victor.†Surprised that Victor would have given me anything, I read the note. It was just a few lines, hastily scrawled in pen. Rose – I'm very happy to see you didn't suffer any serious injuries from your fall. Truly, it is a miracle. You lead a charmed life, and Vasilisa is lucky to have you. â€Å"That's nice of him,†I said, opening the box. Then I saw what was inside. â€Å"Whoa. Very nice.†It was the rose necklace, the one Lissa had wanted to get me but couldn't afford. I held it up, looping its chain over my hand so the glittering, diamond-covered rose hung free. â€Å"This is pretty extreme for a get-well present,†I noted, recalling the price. â€Å"He actually bought it in honor of you doing so well on your first day as an official guardian. He saw you and Lissa looking at it.†â€Å"Wow.†It was all I could say. â€Å"I don't think I did that good of a job.†â€Å"I do.†Grinning, I placed the necklace back in the box and set it on a nearby table. â€Å"You did say ? ®presents,' right? Like more than one?†He laughed outright, and the sound wrapped around me like a caress. God, I loved the sound of his laugh. â€Å"This is from me.†He handed me a small, plain bag. Puzzled and excited, I opened it up. Lip gloss, the kind I liked. I'd complained to him a number of times how I was running out, but I'd never thought he was paying attention. â€Å"How'd you manage to buy this? I saw you the whole time at the mall.†â€Å"Guardian secrets.†â€Å"What's this for? For my first day?†â€Å"No,†he said simply. â€Å"Because I thought it would make you happy.†Without even thinking about it, I leaned forward and hugged him. â€Å"Thank you.†Judging from his stiff posture, I'd clearly caught him by surprise. And yeah†¦I'd actually caught myself by surprise, too. But he relaxed a few moments later, and when he reached around and rested his hands on my lower back, I thought I was going to die. â€Å"I'm glad you're better,†he said. His mouth sounded like it was almost in my hair, just above my ear. â€Å"When I saw you fall†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"You thought, ? ®Wow, she's a loser.' â€Å" â€Å"That's not what I thought.†He pulled back slightly, so he could see me better, but we didn't say anything. His eyes were so dark and deep that I wanted to dive right in. Staring at them made me feel warm all over, like they had flames inside. Slowly, carefully, those long fingers of his reached out and traced the edge of my cheekbone, moving up the side of my face. At the first touch of his skin on mine, I shivered. He wound a lock of my hair around one finger, just like he had in the gym. Swallowing, I dragged my eyes up from his lips. I'd been contemplating what it'd be like to kiss him. The thought both excited and scared me, which was stupid. I'd kissed a lot of guys and never thought much about it. No reason another one – even an older one – should be that big of a deal. Yet the thought of him closing the distance and bringing his lips to mine made the world start spinning. A soft knock sounded at the door, and I hastily leaned back. Dr. Olendzki stuck her head in. â€Å"I thought I heard you talking. How do you feel?†She walked over and made me lie back down. Touching and bending my ankle, she assessed it for damage and finally shook her head when finished. â€Å"You're lucky. With all the noise you made coming in here, I thought your foot had been amputated. Must have just been shock.†She stepped back. â€Å"I'd feel better if you sat out from your normal trainings tomorrow, but otherwise, you're good to go.†I breathed a sigh of relief. I didn't remember my hysteria – and was actually kind of embarrassed that I'd thrown such a fit – but I had been right about the problems this would have caused me if I'd broken or sprained it. I couldn't afford to lose any time here; I needed to take my trials and graduate in the spring. Dr. Olendzki gave me the okay to go and then left the room. Dimitri walked over to another chair and brought me my shoes and coat. Looking at him, I felt a warm flush sweep me as I recalled what had happened before the doctor had entered. He watched as I slipped one of the shoes on. â€Å"You have a guardian angel.†â€Å"I don't believe in angels,†I told him. â€Å"I believe in what I can do for myself.†â€Å"Well then, you have an amazing body.†I glanced up at him with a questioning look. â€Å"For healing, I mean. I heard about the accident†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He didn't specify which accident it was, but it could be only one. Talking about it normally bothered me, but with him, I felt I could say anything. â€Å"Everyone said I shouldn't have survived,†I explained. â€Å"Because of where I sat and the way the car hit the tree. Lissa was really the only one in a secure spot. She and I walked away with only a few scratches.†â€Å"And you don't believe in angels or miracles.†â€Å"Nope. I – â€Å" Truly, it is a miracle. You lead a charmed life†¦. And just like that, a million thoughts came slamming into my head. Maybe†¦maybe I had a guardian angel after all†¦ Dimitri immediately noticed the shift in my feelings. â€Å"What's wrong?†Reaching out with my mind, I tried to expand the bond and shake off the lingering effects of the pain medication. Some more of Lissa's feelings came through to me. Anxious. Upset. â€Å"Where's Lissa? Was she here?†â€Å"I don't know where she is. She wouldn't leave your side while I brought you in. She stayed right next the bed, right up until the doctor came in. You calmed down when she sat next to you.†I closed my eyes and felt like I might faint. I had calmed down when Lissa sat next to me because she'd taken the pain away. She'd healed me†¦ Just as she had the night of the accident. It all made sense now. I shouldn't have survived. Everyone had said so. Who knew what kind of injuries I'd actually suffered? Internal bleeding. Broken bones. It didn't matter because Lissa had fixed it, just like she'd fixed everything else. That was why she'd been leaning over me when I woke up. It was also probably why she'd passed out when they took her to the hospital. She'd been exhausted for days afterward. And that was when her depression had begun. It had seemed like a normal reaction after losing her family, but now I wondered if there was more to it, if healing me had played a role. Opening my mind again, I reached out to her, needing to find her. If she'd healed me, there was no telling what shape she could be in now. Her moods and magic were linked, and this had been a pretty intense show of magic. The drug was almost gone from my system, and like that, I snapped into her. It was almost easy now. A tidal wave of emotions hit me, worse than when her nightmares engulfed me. I'd never felt such intensity from her before. She sat in the chapel's attic, crying. She didn't entirely know why she was crying either. She felt happy and relieved that I'd been unharmed, that she'd been able to heal me. At the same time, she felt weak in both body and mind. She burned inside, like she'd lost part of herself. She worried I'd be mad because she'd used her powers. She dreaded going through another school day tomorrow, pretending she liked being with a crowd who had no other interests aside from spending their families' money and making fun of those less beautiful and less popular. She didn't want to go to the dance with Aaron and see him watch her so adoringly – and feel him touching her – when she felt only friendship for him. Most of these were all normal concerns, but they hit her hard, harder than they would an ordinary person, I thought. She couldn't sort through them or figure out how to fix them. â€Å"You okay?†She looked up and brushed the hair away from where it stuck to her wet cheeks. Christian stood in the entrance to the attic. She hadn't even heard him come up the stairs. She'd been too lost in her own grief. A flicker of both longing and anger sparked within her. â€Å"I'm fine,†she snapped. Sniffling, she tried to stop her tears, not wanting him to see her weak. Leaning against the wall, he crossed his arms and wore an unreadable expression. â€Å"Do†¦do you want to talk?†â€Å"Oh†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She laughed harshly. â€Å"You want to talk now? After I tried so many times – â€Å" â€Å"I didn't want that! That was Rose – â€Å" He cut himself off and I flinched. I was totally busted. Lissa stood up and strode toward him. â€Å"What about Rose?†â€Å"Nothing.†His mask of indifference slipped back into place. â€Å"Forget it.†â€Å"What about Rose?†She stepped closer. Even through her anger, she still felt that inexplicable attraction to him. And then she understood. â€Å"She made you, didn't she? She told you to stop talking to me?†He stared stonily ahead. â€Å"It was probably for the best. I would have just messed things up for you. You wouldn't be where you are now.†â€Å"What's that supposed to mean?†â€Å"What do you think it means? God. People live or die at your command now, Your Highness.†â€Å"You're being kind of melodramatic.†â€Å"Am I? All day, I hear people talking about what you're doing and what you're thinking and what you're wearing. Whether you'll approve. Who you like. Who you hate. They're your puppets.†â€Å"It's not like that. Besides, I had to do it. To get back at Mia†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Rolling his eyes, he looked away from her. â€Å"You don't even know what you're getting back at her for.†Lissa's anger flared. â€Å"She set up Jesse and Ralf to say those things about Rose! I couldn't let her get away with that.†â€Å"Rose is tough. She would have gotten over it.†â€Å"You didn't see her,†she replied obstinately. â€Å"She was crying.†â€Å"So? People cry. You're crying.†â€Å"Not Rose.†He turned back to her, a dark smile curling his lips. â€Å"I've never seen anything like you two. Always so worried about each other. I get her thing – some kind of weird guardian hang-up – but you're just the same.†â€Å"She's my friend.†â€Å"I guess it's that simple. I wouldn't know.†He sighed, momentarily thoughtful, then snapped back to sarcastic mode. â€Å"Anyway. Mia. So you got back at her over what she did to Rose. But you're missing the point. Why did she do it?†Lissa frowned. â€Å"Because she was jealous about me and Aaron – â€Å" â€Å"More to it than that, Princess. What did she have to be jealous about? She already had him. She didn't need to attack you to drive that home. She could have just made a big show of being all over him. Sort of like you are now,†he added wryly. â€Å"Okay. What else is there, then? Why did she want to ruin my life? I never did anything to her – before all this, I mean.†He leaned forward, crystal-blue eyes boring into hers. â€Å"You're right. You didn't – but your brother did.†Lissa pulled away from him. â€Å"You don't know anything about my brother.†â€Å"I know he screwed Mia over. Literally.†â€Å"Stop it, stop lying.†â€Å"I'm not. Swear to God or whoever else you want to believe in. I used to talk to Mia now and then, back when she was a freshman. She wasn't very popular, but she was smart. Still is. She used to work on a lot of committees with royals – dances and stuff. I don't know all of it. But she got to know your brother on one of those, and they sort of got together.†â€Å"They did not. I would have known. Andre would have told me.†â€Å"Nope. He didn't tell anyone. He told her not to either. He convinced her it should be some kind of romantic secret when really, he just didn't want any of his friends to find out he was getting naked with a non-royal freshman.†â€Å"If Mia told you that, she was making it up,†exclaimed Lissa. â€Å"Yeah, well, I don't think she was making it up when I saw her crying. He got tired of her after a few weeks and dumped her. Told her she was too young and that he couldn't really get serious with someone who wasn't from a good family. From what I understand, he wasn't even nice about it either – didn't even bother with the ? ®let's be friends' stuff.†Lissa pushed herself into Christian's face. â€Å"You didn't even know Andre! He would never have done that.†â€Å"You didn't know him. I'm sure he was nice to his baby sister; I'm sure he loved you. But in school, with his friends, he was just as much of a jerk as the rest of the royals. I saw him because I see everything. Easy when no one notices you.†She held back a sob, unsure whether to believe him or not. â€Å"So this is why Mia hates me?†â€Å"Yup. She hates you because of him. That, and because you're royal and she's insecure around all royals, which is why she worked so hard to claw up the ranks and be their friend. I think it's a coincidence that she ended up with your ex-boyfriend, but now that you're back, that probably made it worse. Between stealing him and spreading those stories about her parents, you guys really picked the best ways to make her suffer. Nice work.†The smallest pang of guilt lurched inside of her. â€Å"I still think you're lying.†â€Å"I'm a lot of things, but I'm not a liar. That's your department. And Rose's.†â€Å"We don't – â€Å" â€Å"Exaggerate stories about people's families? Say that you hate me? Pretend to be friends with people you think are stupid? Date a guy you don't like?†â€Å"I like him.†â€Å"Like or like?†â€Å"Oh, there's a difference?†â€Å"Yes. Like is when you date a big, blond moron and laugh at his stupid jokes.†Then, out of nowhere, he leaned forward and kissed her. It was hot and fast and furious, an outpouring of the rage and passion and longing that Christian always kept locked inside of him. Lissa had never been kissed like that, and I felt her respond to it, respond to him – how he made her feel so much more alive than Aaron or anyone else could. Christian pulled back from the kiss but still kept his face next to hers. â€Å"That's what you do with someone you like.†Lissa's heart pounded with both anger and desire. â€Å"Well, I don't like or like you. And I think you and Mia are both lying about Andre. Aaron would never make up anything like that.†â€Å"That's because Aaron doesn't say anything that requires words of more than one syllable.†She pulled away. â€Å"Get out. Get away from me.†He looked around comically. â€Å"You can't throw me out. We both signed the lease.†â€Å"Get. Out!†she yelled. â€Å"I hate you!†He bowed. â€Å"Anything you want, Your Highness.†With a final dark look, he left the attic. Lissa sank to her knees, letting out the tears she'd held back from him. I could barely make sense out of all the things hurting her. God only knew things upset me – like the Jesse incident – but they didn't attack me in the same way. They swirled within her, beating at her brain. The stories about Andre. Mia's hate. Christian's kiss. Healing me. This, I realized, was what real depression felt like. What madness felt like. Overcome, drowning in her own pain, Lissa made the only decision she could. The only thing she could do to channel all of these emotions. She opened up her purse and found the tiny razor blade she always carried†¦ Sickened, yet unable to break away, I felt as she cut her left arm, making perfectly even marks, watching as the blood flowed across her white skin. As always, she avoided veins, but her cuts were deeper this time. The cutting stung horribly, yet in doing it, she was able to focus on the physical pain, distract herself from the mental anguish so that she could feel like she was in control. Drops of blood splattered onto the dusty floor, and her world began spinning. Seeing her own blood intrigued her. She had taken blood from others her entire life. Me. The feeders. Now, here it was, leaking out. With a nervous giggle, she decided it was funny. Maybe by letting it out, she was giving it back to those she'd stolen it from. Or maybe she was wasting it, wasting the sacred Dragomir blood that everyone obsessed over. I'd forced my way into her head, and now I couldn't get out. Her emotions had ensnared me now – they were too strong and too powerful. But I had to escape – I knew it with every ounce of my being. I had to stop her. She was too weak from the healing to lose this much blood. It was time to tell someone. Breaking out at last, I found myself back in the clinic. Dimitri's hands were on me, gently shaking me as he said my name over and over in an effort to get my attention. Dr. Olendzki stood beside him, face dark and concerned. I stared at Dimitri, truly seeing how much he worried and cared about me. Christian had told me to get help, to go to someone I trusted about Lissa. I'd ignored the advice because I didn't trust anyone except her. But looking at Dimitri now, feeling that sense of understanding we shared, I knew that I did trust someone else. I felt my voice crack as I spoke. â€Å"I know where she is. Lissa. We have to help her.â€
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Napoleon: Hero Persuasive Essay
A hero is someone who has a vision for a better future, acts on their visions, and has the perseverance to get through obstacles. Throughout history there have been countless heroes: Charlemagne, Alexander the Great, and many others. In 18th century France, during the French Revolution, one of the greatest heroes in history emerged. His name was Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon Bonaparte is considered a hero in French society because he fought his way to power and protected France, Napoleon was able to create unity and stability, both political and economic, in one of the most powerful nations in Europe at the time.Napoleon was not only an excellent leader, but also a dominate war strategist. Napoleon Bonaparte is a hero because he gave people rights and freedoms, forming an amazing educational system and reconstruction of France, along with his excellent skills with militarism, Napoleon became one of the greatest if not the greatest French leaders and heroes of all time. Napoleon starte d his military career as a junior officer in the French artillery; he was well noted for his commitment to his duty and his efficiency in his work.Napoleon was a passionate man who always put his own life on the line for his fellow comrades. Napoleon’s ability to risk himself in the line of duty to his country also solidifies his heroic status. Napoleon Bonaparte was a brave man and although he risked his life for many men he rarely made a foolish decision. Napoleon was unquestionably a born leader. Often in the harshest conditions he took this role to protect his fellow comrades. This is what made Napoleon an excellent war strategist. He wasn’t the type of man to sit back and watch.He took it upon himself to fight, again he established the true antithesis of hero, and by doing this meant that he had the ability to see what excactly was happening and how to counter all in the protection of France. Later in his military career he becomes general of the forces in Italy. The French were losing the war until Napoleon came along and restored the army to its former glory. In the decisive battle with Austria and their allies the Piedmonts, Napoleon and his army were outnumbered 38,000 to 63,000 but with his superior military strategy he crushed them and liberated Italy.This is a true testament to his abilities as a brilliant war strategist as well as further indoctrinating him as a hero. Napoleon established a civil code that lives on to this day across the world. It made all people equal before the law regardless of whether someone was of royal status or a peasant. Life under Napoleon’s regime was far better than people had under various other regimes. In Napoleonic influenced areas people were citizens not subjects. The people had some power over who was elected to government positions, even if it was mostly the wealthy.Life for many was still difficult in Napoleon’s regime but the one major difference was that the people could actually make something of themselves without regard to their nobility. Napoleon Bonaparte brought the perspective of getting a job based upon being skilled in a particular field of expertise. In other countries across Europe, unless you were of noble status or were undoubtedly wealthy enough to marry into a noble blood line then you were reduced to a life of mediocrity and hard work at best. Under Napoleon anyone could achieve what they wanted based on their experience, not their bloodline.When people say Napoleon was cruel and unfair remember that without him your linage is what defined your future not what you were capable of accomplishing. The French Revolution and Napoleon each played their role in the development of France.During much of the middle and late period of the French Revolution the young General Napoleon Bonaparte had been winning battles and gaining great popularity and respect among the French citizens. This was largely due to his image as a savior of the Revolution. (In 1 799, he participated in a coup d'etat which established a three person consulate with him as first consul.Under the newly established system of government, most of the power rested with Napoleon. On December 2, 1804, First Consul Bonaparte became Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, and his control over the government became complete. ) While Napoleon is often viewed in the perspective of his military prowess, he should also be considered one of history's great governors. Napoleon set out to make France the greatest nation of Europe. To accomplish his goals in restoring France Napoleon decided to rebuild churches, make banks, remodel the roads, and rewrite the legal system of France.When Napoleon became Emperor in December of 1804, he became even more concerned in the educational system thus becoming more interested in it. It is clear that the new system of education introduced by Napoleon had more than one purpose. It was intended, of course, to bestow an educated elite class that co uld help run the country and the military. It was also designed to provide for an increased middle class; a middle class that would be successful and therefor more obedient to the law. This was one of his main concerns when taking the throne.The last thing he wanted was his people to revolt and cause more chaos then necessary. As many people believe Napoleon is a hero, there are many that consider him a tyrant. The argument can be made that Napoleon let the power go to his head.An example of this is his tour in Egypt. Napoleon invaded Egypt for much of no good reason other than to gain fame. Although Napoleon was a great leader and war strategist he went to a country that had no guns or means of making them, a place with no way to get supplies do to the fact his ships were destroyed after landing in Egypt, and this lead to his downfall.Napoleon conquered Egypt because they had no real means of fighting against guns. While Napoleon stayed in Egypt he researched its history of which i s unknown to most of Europe. Napoleon created many forms of propaganda because he brings artist everywhere he adventures. Although Napoleon ruled Egypt that didn’t mean he had the resources to keep it eventually he was forced to flee do to Turkey’s army. So, Napoleon fled leaving his army of 35,000 troops to fend for themselves.When Napoleon returned to France he displayed his works of art and made it seem as it was a victory. To most this is extremely cruel, but some will argue it was for the best because at the time Frances government was falling apart and Napoleon restored the government from going into complete chaos. This could have led to another Reign Of Terror so was it for the best? Even when considered a tyrant for these actions by some his decisions further protected France’s interest. In conclusion, Napoleon Bonaparte, was more of a hero than tyrant.His thoughtful calculations and strategies as the leader of France gave him the right to be labeled a hero. Napoleon was able to create unity and stability, both political and economic, in one of the most powerful nations in Europe, he gave people rights and freedoms, forming an amazing educational system and reconstruction of France. His actions in battle and leadership instill heroic qualities that are hard to contest. Though many know of his diminutive stature his reputation as a hero is colossal.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Runners World Magazine
Runners World Magazine Thesis: Although practiced running can be enjoyable and gratifying, being a consistent runner requires the highest level of self-discipline, and such self-discipline can propel the runner to achieve greatness in other areas (socio-economic and political) of his or her life.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on â€Å"Runner’s World†Magazine specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Introduction Many health experts and nutritionists continuously blame the modern sedentary lifestyles for the increase in incidences of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, obesity, high-blood pressure, heart diseases, and even cancer. These diseases have increased commensurate to the sedentary and non-active lifestyles that many people in the western world have adopted. The youth and even children in high schools and kindergartens in the western world are becoming increasingly non-active in their daily lives. Obesity rates amongst te ens and youth in the US, for instance, have soared to almost 30%, while those of the UK are steadily rising (Yang Nichols 2011, p 381). Therefore, a lack of exercise and exerting outdoor activities amongst citizens of western nations is a real public health concern. One of the exercises that many people are encouraged to take up is running or jogging. Requiring little skill, inexpensive attire, and applicable in nearly all habitable terrain, running is touted as one the activities that if adopted, can offer immense health benefits to an individual at little cost (Galli et al 2011, p 48). Running, as an activity, can be performed at any time of day, and may be undertaken individually or with other persons with similar inclination. However, practiced running requires the runner to be determined and follow a consistent programme to attain the full benefits of this form of exercise. Therefore, practiced running requires a very high level of self-discipline. The online runner’s m agazine, â€Å"Runner’s World†at, outlines the benefits of running, profiles famous politicians and political leaders for whom running is a hobby, gives tips on the best techniques to use for sustainable running, and also showcases the kinds of bodies that consistent runners acquire over time. As depicted in the online magazine â€Å"Runner’s World†, running as a form of exercise is enjoyable, gratifying and healthy. Runners gain good physiques, are disciplined, and achieve milestones like winning World Championships and Olympic medals. Moreover, they are highly self-disciplined.Advertising Looking for assessment on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Additionally, due to their practiced self-discipline acquired through patient and persistent running, runners scale the heights of their respective socio-political and economic pursuits. Alth ough running can be enjoyable and gratifying, being a consistent runner requires the highest level of self-discipline, and such self-discipline can propel the runner to achieve greatness in other areas (socio-economic and political) of his or her life. Running as an enjoyable, gratifying and healthy activity In â€Å"Runner’s World†magazine, the various runners featured are portrayed and pictured in happy poses. ,The runners featured at the home page, both real life actual famous persons and running models, all have admirable bodies and physiques. Various featured articles appearing at the home page of the magazine are geared towards encouraging the reader to take up running. The featured runners, by virtue of their smiling and contented appearance, portray an image of persons highly satisfied with, or drawing a lot of satisfaction from, running as a form of exercise. The body is thus portrayed as requiring exercise (running) in order to acquire the state of personal satisfaction depicted in the runners featured. As part of an individual’s journey towards self-actualization and attaining self- discipline through running, the magazine features articles on challenges that runners should take up, for instance competing in a marathon. Readers are also shown how running is tied to one’s health, a further incentive for the reader to take up running. Running and Admirable Physiques, and the attainment of World and Olympic Glory Besides simply running for leisure, self gratifying and health reasons, running in the magazine â€Å"Runner’s World†is also depicted as a pursuit that leaves the runner with an admirable and handsome physique, besides an opportunity for acquiring world wide fame and glory at the international level through participating in marathons, World Championships and Olympic contests. The form of body that â€Å"Runner’s World†magazine idolizes is one that is fat-free, slim and well toned. As s tated earlier, all the runners pictured in the home page of the magazine have bodies that fit the stated description to a greater or lesser extent.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on â€Å"Runner’s World†Magazine specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Because running is primarily a form of physical exercise, the ultimate aim of many individuals engaged in any form of physical exercise is to acquire a body that will earn admiration from others in society. Having an admirable physique, for many runners and aspiring runners, is the ultimate prize for enduring the rigours of practice through disciplined running (Gimlin 2010, p 270). One video featured on the home page shows a picture of a man with well-toned abdominal muscles. In the accompanying message for the picture/video, the reader is encouraged to practice the exercise that is shown in the video, with the promise that the result would be the reader acq uiring the same athlete-like body. Therefore, the magazine idealises the toned, slim and muscled body, similar to that of an athlete. Additionally, the news segment of the magazine features the triumph of the athlete Jenny Simpson of America. Simpson won gold in the 1,500 race in the ongoing World Athletics Championship, in a race that few US women have featured in or won in both the World Championships and Olympic games. As a featured athlete, Simpson represents two aspects of running encapsulated in the thematic content of â€Å"Runner’s World†. Firstly, her highly visible picture portrays an admirable body. Simpson is well toned and has an impressive and athletic body. Therefore, in a sense, she has the prototypic body that all runners and aspiring runners desire to have. Her comparatively bigger picture at the home page of the magazine thus serves to enhance further the body image of accomplished runners. Additionally, Jenny Simpson also represents achievement that demands respect and adoration from all. Winning a World Championship gold medal at the age of 25 years represents a milestone in her life, and encourages the reader to pursue his or her own milestones, both as a runner and in other aspects of his or her life (Sloman, Sturman Price 2011, p 324). Therefore, by reading of her achievement, the runner is motivated. To win a World Athletics Championship medal, though requiring higher training intensities, calls for as much discipline and sacrifice as the practice of every day running for health reasons. While for the athlete appearing on the podium is his or her goal ultimate goal, the non-athlete runner has enjoyment, health and a strong physique as his or her points of focus. However, both these sets of runners, although having different goals, require self-discipline and sacrifice to achieve their Theygoals. They both have to follow a strict and sometimes gruesome exercise regimen to achieve their different goals. Therefore, the impl icit message communicated is that runners have to be highly self-disciplined.Advertising Looking for assessment on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Runners as High Achievers The self-discipline required in keeping with a strict running schedule in order to maintain optimum health and admirable bodies, especially in non-athletic runners, is easily transferable to other aspects of the runner’s life. In â€Å"Runner’s World†, different prominent persons have been profiled, all expressing their love for the practice of running. These prominent personalities represent diverse sectors of society, indicating the all-inclusive nature of running. Sarah Palin, the former Governor of Alaska in the US, is one of those profiled in the magazine. In a Question and Answer session with the magazine’s writers, she tells of her love for running, a practice instilled in her by her parents. She states that running helps her achieve a sense of accomplishment every day, confessing that running is an extremely valuable part of who she is. Current Chicago mayor, Ralph Emmanuel, is also featured, and he shares his love for ma rathons, stating that running keeps him physically fit and healthy. The other prominent person featured in the magazine is Flea, the bassist for the popular band Red Hot Chilli Peppers. Despite their busy schedules, these featured persons make time exercise and run, and â€Å"Runner’s World†depicts them as role models for others in society. All the three mentioned persons look physically appealing, and seem to age gracefully, a matter partly attributable to their ‘running lifestyle’. The three high achievers in different realms of socioeconomic and political pursuits, being keen runners, portray runners as high achievers. As depicted in the magazine, the self-discipline that these three prominent persons posses, and one that has enabled them scale the heights of their different careers stems from the self-discipline required to be a consistent runner. Conclusion and Personal Analysis In conclusion, â€Å"Runner’s World†magazine idealises th e runner and his or her body as a healthy, happy, physically appealing and high achieving person. All models and people featured in the magazine have admirable physiques, with running as the form of exercise that helps achieve these bodies. The different segments of the magazine all strive to deliver this message. The theme of self-discipline as the most vital characteristic of the runner is prevalent in the magazine’s articles. Personally, the images depicted were a slightly unrealistic, because I know a lot of keen joggers and runners who are heavily built, and some who are even fat; yet these people jog or run every day. Therefore, the image of a lean, athletic and well-toned person as the ideal body image of a runner as depicted in the magazine is slightly unrealistic for me. As a keen runner myself, the depiction of the runner as a highly focused and self-disciplined individual applies. Creating time for running each morning requires a determined mind. However, as has be en depicted in the magazine, the practice of running helps me achieve focus, relieve stress and function at higher levels of concentration than the average person. Therefore, running as a form of exercise should be encouraged, because the health benefits for both the individual and society are numerous (Ross Thomas, 2010, p 4). Then a dawn of healthier, more active and less diseased individuals in the western society can be ushered. 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