Thursday, October 24, 2019
Today the whole world's image of technology is negative. Author Alex Williams, essay Quality Time, Redefined shows negativity for technology also positive things that technology can do, such as bringing families together. Making relationships stronger between two married couples. Technology can in many ways make families bonds stronger. In the past people would Just write letters to family members who lived far away. Now Technology has improved the life of people. Life has evolved over time with the help of technology.I agree with Alex Williams in how much technology can help families bond stronger closer, also being connected to each other throw many APS, such as Backbone, twitter, emails, testing, also keep. These technology developments help the whole entire world to be more social and connected. Negative sides of technology that people see is how can a small phone can take the focus of someone that they love. Technology can in so many ways have negative sides to it. Making the ey es weaker, making the brain tired. Technology, has many negative sides to it as it has positive sides to it.Many people would disagree on technology on having a positive side. Ms Vary agrees when she says †The family was in the same room, but not together. †(pig. 94) People when using technology get connected into the technology, and can't focus and do multicast while using technology, its kind of like it absorbs your brain cells Just to focus on one task. The culture has changed so much as when people read Just books, and playing bored games at night. Looking at it from one point books are as much focus taking as technology.As many people miss the old culture of America where he whole family sits and talk about how their day was or what are they planning for the next day. Ms. Vary acknowledges, †An evening like that can bring more closeness than a night spent huddling over a board game back in the days of analog. †(pig. 99) Ms. Vary agrees with using tec hnology in a family as everyone would be doing what they wish to. The father would be reading a news paper, the daughter studying, the son playing games. Makes the environment much happier and excited evening for all the family members.In the old days none of the technology excited but bored games books and stories excited where one family ember wither didn't like the bored game or didn't like the story, even though they would have sat throw the evening either listening to a story or playing something that they refuse to like. For example back in my country technology is not as big as it is in the United States, which has made an big impact on the people who live in the United States. When I was younger I remember we never sat at any time of the day and talk about each others daily life or about a sport.Moving to the United States we picked up the American culture, which one of them is having so much technology in he house. We all had our own phones and laptop and pads. I then sudde nly started getting super close to my mom. Testing My mom everything about my day, how everything went throw out my day. Which made me close with my mother until she passed away 4 months ago. â€Å"life keeps going. †a quote explaining how much I adored my mother when I started to know her and all about her childhood and boyfriend problems, which we never would have talked about if we were back in my country, we would Just be helping the moms clean up every mess.Technology has done life much easier for humans, made people have critical thinking about life. Would you want to live in the old world and have no technology Just have some bored people who try to go throw their days? Or have technology which can make life border? Knowing that technology could do Just so much in someone life, that actually makes them emotionally closer with the family, and more involved in their siblings life throw APS, Backbone, Twitter, Keep connecting them to each other no matter what country, ci ty they live in. I am someone who believes technology does not apart families or married couples, it can only make it stronger.Today's culture connections often occur when the participants are miles, or even continents, apart. There are so many communication opportunities provided such as cell phones, laptops, and pads that keeps two couples together or meet in one country and stay in touch. Makes the relationship gets much stronger, by talking everyday about your emotions without worrying about how you look or care what you wear. Being yourself makes the relationship it self become stronger, and a love that is fought for. Alex Williams talks about many different topics in his essay one of them is allegations, and technology.For example Dry. Elevate mentions †Your task to keeping the relationship vital and refreshed is managed togetherness and separateness. Technology could be used as a tool to assist that. †(pig 99) Humans can't be around one person the whole entire t ime, they get bored and start fights and their love goes from being in a healthy relationship to a exotic relationship. Where its all arguments, and not being able to handle seeing each other. Technology is one of the strongest tools that takes a humans focus, and take them to a whole another world.Everybody deeds time to their self, while using technology helps keep the relationship between two couples healthy. Not being around each other all the time or have to be facing one and another, forced to talk about anything to keep the atmosphere comfortable for both couples. Their relationship can also stay very fresh, makes that bond of love stronger and stronger each day, missing someone makes you love them like no other. Dry. Hillman claims †People get up from their laptops, come together on one screen. †(pig. 98) Technology is so big that it has came to a point where people meet horror APS, come together and meet.Different culture different believes, they still come to gether because of a talking bond they have with each other. For example I met my fiance throw Backbone which is an app that you get to meet people throw out the world. My fiance lives in Turkey Istanbul, which is a continent away from me, he can't come and visit the United States because of the wars and they won't give him his Visa. I went to meet him in Istanbul and we already had planned what we wanted to do where to go, we had so much things in common where we found out by talking o each other testing or keep.The only ways we communicate and make sure we are still wanting each other is technology. Seeing him throw the app Keep makes me cherish having him in my life. We see each other once a year, through out the year we keep on using technology to keep us together and not separate, it also gives us our own time to our self to relax and think straight, know if this is the right person or not for you. My question for the people who always think negative about technology is â€Å"h ow can we have a social life when we have no technology in life? How can that alp our associate and make us more open to the real word? Technology can assist to keep the bond stronger between two married or engaged or in a relationship couple. The world needs to change their negative image because there are so many positive things about technology that helped us reach where we are today and where we will be in the future with the technology growth in our lives. Love is a strong word that can't be found easily. Technology allows people to find love all around the world. Cell phones has a huge impact on our life that keeps us in touch with our partners also families.I think technology can grow so much bigger that people will start loving technology, and actually see the bigger picture of how technology helps us stay connected to the real world. As Alex Williams claims in his essay that there are many positive effects of technology that helped and still helps families. In sass people h ad no technology which kind of made them like robots they only knew what they were exposed to around their city. As if now people know so much more about other countries, seeing pictures of beautiful nature gives the hope to a better life and border thinking. Technology Technology is defined as the combination of technique, skills, methods, basic tools and processes that are made use in the production of goods and service. In other terms it is called the ‘science of craft'. While the Global Economy refers to the economy that encompasses the whole world, it is thought as the international exchange of goods and services that's translated in monetary terms. (wikipedia, 15 April 2018). In a vague sight of the contemporary economic history there are two trends in the world economy it suggests: first innovations in technology are uprising to be a significant contributor to economic well-being. Secondly nations in global economy are pointing towards being interdependent and open in a growing way. Innovators from different parts of the world are coming together rapidly, this means that there is no denying that technology has a significant percentage in shaping the global economy.Is technology still fulfilling the role and purpose it was embraced for?In this research I intend to find out whether or not technology is still being regarded as it was when it was first embraced in the earlier times. This is based on how technology has empacted the world economy and its markets. The purpose of technology is clearly judged on how and why it affects the global economy.Before the analysis of how technology Is impacting the world economy it is rather of great importance to first be enlightened even slightly so as to how technology was introduced to economies in different countries comprising of the global or world economy at large. Just as important is also to bear in mind the coming about of economic growth. The History of TechnologyTechnology forms part of a perplexed and diverse body of knowledge and devices through which man in an ongoing way manage to perfect his natural environment. The history of it is rather inclusive of wild and not properly defined. The findings for the complication of the study, dates to the modern time where there is a contrast of technological history than that which as popularized by the story of political and intellectual development. During the nineteenth – twentieth of the human story will be touched on briefly. The Old Stone Age man referred to as the Paleolithic were few and scattered they managed to come up with not much to give them the ability to conquer their environment. Then came the Middle Stone Age referred to as the Mesolithic, they were named this because it was a period of transition between the end of the last ice age an d the early stages and era of human settlement and cultivation. Again there is the Neolithic Man, this is a man emerging from savagery and holds the solution of the basic problems of his environment. He was able to grind, polish and drill his craft of hard stone. However he needed to attain knowledge of metal-working for a greater form of effectiveness in his quest of mastering his environment, this concluded an increase in population.The first use of metals was the day break of civilization as we know it. Relating it to its material aspect the history of civilization is the history of technology. (Thomas P. Hughes, (â€Å"A Short History of Technology: From the Earliest Times to A. D. 1900. T. K. Derry, Trevor I. Williams,†Isis 54, no. 3 (Sep., 1963): 417-418.) With regards to Economic Growth HistoryAfter Adam Smith the focus of classical economics in the 19th century was long term growth. After much findings there was a development of a negative view of it. Upon other findings was the realization that the United States of America in the 19th century was perceived to be growing as a result of its exploitation of other continents that were rich in resources. Resources were found to increase long term growth. Economists then transferred their focus to neoclassical economics in the late 19th century and the early 20th century, which comprises of a closed economy. They developed tasks to thoroughly look at optimizing the use of scarce resources by businesses. The focus was on short-term growth rather than long-term growth. The worldwide depression of 1903, J.M Keynes's aggregate demand management was found as a solution to reduce cyclical fluctuation and leading to unemployment. After putting together Keynes's concept with Neo classical methods of uttermost resource distribution by Paul Samuelson and Sir John Hicks there was a stagflation and low growth exposed its fundamental weakness. Following this unforeseen trends new schools of economics emerged: monetarist, new-classical and supply side etc. new school of economics encouraged much innovativeness with regards to economic trends and technological input for research and development.(Kuznets, (1973)) The above indicates the significance of the introduction of technology in the economy with regards to how it has impacted it and continues to impact it. It is of no doubt that this two are interlinked in more ways than one. However there are quite a number of pros and cons that have emerged in recent years as technological innovations continue to develop. Benefits of technology in the modern day economyThe level and the rate at which economies grow and develop in various markets and countries is interlinked with technological advancement. Technological innovation has helped underdeveloped countries slowly become developing and then ultimately developed. The developing of economies of different countries result in the growth and development of the global economy. Figure 1-3, in R' are a diagram indication of an Isoquant of production function post-technological change. The innovation does not differ regards to labor and capital. However the new production function R indicates how the same output can be achieved through lower levels of labor and capital after technological advancements. (debasish, 2017) Technology helps the economy through job creation. The ICT sector has proved and remains to hold the title of being one of the largest employers. Stats in the U.S have shown that IT jobs are expected to increase by a significant number of 22% in 2020, thus creating about 758800 new jobs. In Australia, the plans of building and operating the newly established Super-Fast National Broadband Network will certify 25,000 jobs per year. The global Technology market is set to increase by 8%, this encompasses creating jobs, salaries and enlarging different services and products.A contribution to the GDP Growth of the Global Economy. Sources from different countries confirm the positive impact of the growth in ICT. A 10% rise in broadband penetration leads to a 1.2% rise in GDP growth in emerging markets. China reflected a 2.5% rise. GDP per capita growth rate goes up to 0,5% globally, while the internet shows a 3,4% overall in other countries. E-commerce is positively affecting the global economy. The emergence of new services and industries. Mobile phones have allowed a lot of of public services to be made known online. Modernization is incorporated with cloud computing. Moldova government found in Eastern Europe was found to be one of the first governments that moved its government IT infrastructure into the cloud launching mobile and e-service for their residents and businesses. Founding research indicates the Facebook to have provided around 182,000 jobs in 2011. Its value aggregated to worth 12 billion and above.Workforce transformation. Newly found â€Å"microwork†spaces, created by companies like ODesk, Amazon and Samasource have assisted to segregate tasks into manageable components which can be outsourced to contract workers. These contractors are usually found in emerging markets. Entrepreneurs have cut costs as a result of microwork. In 2012, ODesk singularly had above 3 million registered contractors doing 1.5 million tasks. Online payment system emerged as a result of this trend.Business Innovation. Over 95% of businesses in OECD countries operate online in some way. The internet brings innovative ways of getting access to customers and also competing for the market share. In past recent years, social media has evolved to be a marketing tool. ICT tools operating inside companies are assisting businesses on streamlining processes and increase efficiency. The eruption of connected devices throughout the globe has allowed new ways for businesses to reach out to their customers in service.(Kvochko, 2013)The stated above benefits or advantages however do not eliminate controversies that also surround technology impacting the global economy. There are prone difficulties and challenges that global societies are surfacing as technological change continues to emerge. As expected with any form of continued evolution and change.Controversies on technologyReliance on Technology. This can be a negative of how technology affects because of of technology has become a basic sphere of need for most if not all modern enterprises, production is impacted a lot by flaws and malfunctions of machines and IT systems. If there could be a disruption of connection, E-commerce business cannot run functionally. On the other hand there is reduced production if a machine suffers technical glitches. The more technological innovations grow, the more they will need highly specialized professionals to rectify or fix them if they malfunction.Loss of Jobs. As with much creation of job opportunities offered by new technology. There is a significant decline in middle class workers who are not in any specialty ad working rather manually. Machinery has in some way replaced human capital and a portion of manual labor. Factory workers have declined and been replaced by high tech machinery which slowly needs more IT supervision that physical help.(Vossos, Tasos. (2017, September 26). Advantages & Disadvantages of Technology in Our Economy. Bizfluent. Retrieved from physical human connection. Online entertainment and social media platforms form a big part of technological advancement. People have taken a liking to rather communicate virtually that physically, from phone calls to texts to sharing pictures if there's a need to ‘see' each other. This in the long run will bring about a vague knowledge of one another in the human form and social connection will be based on how a person wants to be known rather than who they truly are. Other effects with recent finding s are the cause of depression and social attempts by teenagers and young adults who feel they cannot live up to the standards set online. Almost 80% of teenagers and adults are on social media platforms. In contrasting the earlier years of economic growth evolution and technological evolution. The above benefits and controversies mark a not so out of touch difference in the line of the length technology has gone in its development. Meaning it is still focused in more ways than one in bettering the world's economy and markets. It is although inevitable for any implementation to have side effects. CONCLUSION Based on the findings of my research I have concluded that technology in its own has diverted into many spheres from the reason of just being introduced to help man cultivate his natural environment. It has not only helped but also overtaken man greatly in its efficiency and operation. Technological innovations have also been developed to be independent from the directory of man. Which may be the result of the lack of control and concerns as to its negative and controversial effect in the larger and global economy. The solution however that I propose is for the larger economy to go back to the fundamental reasons of why technology was introduced every time a new innovation is made. This will harbor controlled growth of the development of economies also in different countries leading up t a greater impact in the world economy. Countries still needing more technological advancement should be assisted by long advanced economies. This will ensure a greater level of desired impact in th growth of the economy and the global GDP and GDP per capita will rise significantly. Technology Questions to research: Are advertisements aimed at teenagers effective? And, are they ethical? My Response: Most advertisements aimed at teenagers are effective, but usually are not ethical. Most marketers have many ways of gathering information on teenagers spending habits and what is most important to teens. With this information they’re able to create advertisements that will appeal to most teens and create profit. Many people argue that some or most of these ads aren’t ethical because they will create a problem or insecurity and then give the solution to that problem in the form of their product.Central Idea: The most effective ads show teens using and enjoying a product. The least effective were those that caused an emotional response. A teen’s acceptance of ads varies according to the media platform. The medium with the lowest teen ad acceptance was texting. The â€Å"Teen Advertising Study†, compiled with the help of the University of Massachuset ts, showed that teens were more susceptible to online ads if they could relate to it and if they found it funny.Central Idea: Marketers love teens because they easily spend money on â€Å"luxury†items such as clothing, electronics, and music. They mostly make their purchase decisions independently, have significant influence on family purchases, and companies know that once they have â€Å"branded†a child, they are likely to be customers for life. They reach kids by advertising in magazines, movies, TV shows, and on the internet. Companies get info about kids spending habits from internet â€Å"quizzes†and â€Å"surveys†.Marketers know how to capitalize on important teen issues and anxieties, like body image, peer acceptance, coolness, and need for power. Marketers often use a theme or attitude like sex or alcohol and drug use that seems to raise the â€Å"coolness factor†of their product. Advertising is so effective because it creates insec urities about things such as appearance. Successful ads convince the viewer that they have a problem and then offer the solution, which is the product they’re selling. This gives off the messages that teens aren’t good enough the way they are and many kids unwillingly buy into that message which is causing kids to grow up in the most materialistic society we’ve ever had. Most of the things that are advertised to teens do not promote healthy development.Central Idea: In one year, teens view more than 40,000 ads on TV alone while also being exposed to ads on the internet, in magazines, and in schools. Teens are often the main target for marketers because they are always willing to spend money on the newest â€Å"luxury†items. Teens strive to have the newest electronics, clothing, and other overly advertised items. Marketers know how to target teen issues such as body image, peer pressure, and the need for acceptance. On average, teens are exposed to 3,000 ads per day.Teenagers, on average, spend $155 billion per year on advertised products, also influencing their parents to spend another $200 billion per year. Recent studies have shown tobacco companies use their ads to target teens as young as 13-years-old. Another major advertiser is the alcohol industry, using ads that feature young, attractive people drinking or posing with their beverages. Ads affect teen psychologically by exposing them to ads that suggest they are not what the entertainment business considers attractive. Ads can be harmful to teens by lowering their self-esteem.Children, Adolescents, and Advertising Central Idea: Children and teens view 40,000 ads per year on TV alone even though the Children’s Television Act of 1990 limits advertising on children’s programming to 10.5 minutes/hour on weekends and 12 minutes/hour on weekdays. M-rated video games, which are not recommended for children younger than 17-years-old, are frequently advertised in movie theaters, video game magazines, and publications with high youth readership. Young people see 45% more beer ads and 27% more ads for hard liquor in teen magazines than adults to in their magazines.An increasing number of web sites try to get teens to make direct sales. More than 100 commercial websites promote alcohol products. Most advertisers use techniques that children and teens are more vulnerable to, like product placement in movies and TV shows, action figures, kid’s clubs, and celebrity endorsements. Sex is used in commercials to sell almost anything now. American ads constantly use thin female models, which contribute to the development of self-esteem issues in young girls.Thesis StatementWith marketers aiming their advertisements more towards teens every day, researchers are looking into how effective and ethical these advertisements really are.Outline The Ethics and Effectiveness on Advertising toward Teens Thesis statement: With marketers aiming their advertisements more towards teens every day, researchers are looking into how effective and ethical these advertisements really are.I. Teens are being exposed to advertisements more each day. a. . Companies gather info about teens’ spending habits from internet â€Å"quizzes†and â€Å"surveys†. b. Children and teens view more than 40,000 ads per year on TV alone. c. More than 160 magazines are now targeted towards teens.II. Different factors will make an ad effective. a. Teen’s acceptance of ads depends on the media platform. i. Sponsorships of live events had the highest level of acceptance. ii. Text messaging had the lowest level of acceptance. b. Least effective ads were those that caused an emotional response. III. The advertising strategies marketers use have been shown to be unethical. a. M-rated video games are frequently advertised in movie theaters, video game magazines, and publications with high youth readership b. Young people see 45% more beer ads and 27% more ads for hard liquor in teen magazines than adults to in their magazines. c. Advertising is so effective because it creates insecurities about things such as appearance. i. American ads constantly use thin female models, which contribute to the development of self-esteem issues in young girls. ii. Gives off the message that teens aren’t good enough the way they are.Body ParagraphsI believe that the advertisements aimed at teens are effective, but unethical. Through a number of research tactics marketers are finding ways to keep up with the ever changing trends in teen culture. With the information they gather they’re able to produce advertisements that ultimately pressure their audience into buying their product. With marketers aiming their advertisements more towards teens every day, researchers are looking into how effective and ethical these advertisements really are. Technology based adverti sements are effective among teens because of how often they are exposed to ads, the ads appeal to their lifestyles, and even sometimes pressure teens into buying their products.Advertisements have rapidly been integrated into the world around us. â€Å"Young people view more than 40 000 ads per year on television alone and increasingly are being exposed to advertising on the Internet, in magazines, and in schools.†( Teens are heavily influenced by these ads because of how often they are exposed to them. Marketers are gathering information about teens’ spending habits through quizzes and surveys. ‘Teen Advertising Study’, which was compiled in conjunction with the University of Massachusetts, revealed that teens were more susceptible to online advertising if they could relate to it and if they found it funny.†( With information like this they’re able to determine what type of ads would be effe ctive on the teens of today.Different factors can make an ad effective, such as how they’re viewed and if it’s relatable to their audience. The most effective ads showed teens using and enjoying their product. For example, in this PlayStation 4 Interface commercial, you’re shown teens happy with their product and you’re given a glimpse of some features. This is considered an effective ad because it features the newest upgrade of their product, they’re being shown new features and games, and seeing other teens happy with the product would give them a positive feeling about having it. This ad also shows both genders enjoying their product, suggesting they support both genders using the PS4. An example of an ineffective ad would be the Microsoft Surface commercial, in this commercial you can see people enjoying their product but you’re not given a look at what their product can do. It’s a fun ad to watch, but it doesn’t provide enough information for a teen to considering buying their product.Lastly, many advertisements aimed at teens have been said to be unethical in order to be effective. Marketers will bring up a problem in their advertisement; this problem might be based on social status, then they will provide a solution in the form of their product. For example, in this Samsung Galaxy S4 commercial you see only younger people using their product while the older people are just learning about this product. This suggests that if you have their product you’d be cool and up to date with the world around you. This ad seems to guilt the target into thinking what they have isn’t good enough and their product would make them cooler.ConclusionIn conclusion, I think advertisements aimed at teens are effective, but unethical. Teens are being exposed to advertisements more each day. Advertisements can be found all around them, in schools, online, through T.V., etc. Marketers are constantly doing r esearch to improve ads to be more appealing to their target audience, teens. Through the information they gather, they can create advertisements that will persuade their audience into buying their product. An effective ad would feature other teens enjoying their product. An effective, but unethical ad, would be an ad that brings up a problem, such as a teen’s social status, and then present a solution in the form of their product.
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